International Youth Forum on Creativity and Heritage along the Silk Roads 2022
Dec 19, 2023

The International Youth Forum on Creativity and Heritage along the Silk Roads 2022 was held in Beijing, Nanjing and Changsha, on 15th December, 2022. It was co-organized by the UNESCO, the China's National Commission for UNESCO, the People's Government of Nanjing Municipality and the People's Government of Changsha Municipality.

Senior officals, for instance, Tian Xuejun, Vice Minister of Education, Gabriela Ramos, Assistant Director-General for the Social and Human Sciences of UNESCO, Xia Xinmin, Mayor of Nanjing and Zheng Jianxin, Mayor of Changsha attended the event and gave speeches.

2022 has been the fifth year of the forum, and this year’s theme was ‘Youth Creativity to Promote Intercultural Dialogue and Tackle Global Challenges’. 89 youth leaders from 44 countries along the Silk Road attended the forum. By sharing and exchanging ideas that they have taken responsibility to facilitate cross-cultural communication within the youth generation and planning for the future sustainable development.

Gabriela Ramos delivered a speech via video, saying youth power is essential to cultural heritage science and environment protection. Unesco has been devoting to support the youth-led solutions. She advocated that all the countries along the Silk Road should establish a youth dialogue platform where the policy-makers and the youth leaders can work together to build a world of peace, safety and prosperity.

Mr. Tian said extensive exchange of ideas and culture among peoples is essential for the implementation of the Belt and Road Initiative, and exchange among young people from different countries is especially important. Tian said young people should more actively engage in cross-cultural dialogue, heritage protection and redevelopment. He pointed out that measures should be taken to promote digitalization and the use of the Internet and artificial intelligence. He also said the forum should serve as a platform for better introducing the Belt and Road Initiative to the world. He said he hoped we will jointly commit to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and building a community of common destiny for mankind.