2019 International Literature Forum
Dec 19, 2023

The "Silk Roads International Literature Forum" is a biannual event launched in 2018 with an emphasis on literary exchange between countries along the Silk Roads. The inaugural session focused on cultural heritage and innovation and brought together 39 authors, translators and researchers from 20 countries.

The 2019 International Literature Forum will be held in Nanjing in November. Formal invitations will be sent to around 10 internationally renowned writers, sinologists and culture experts to participate in a series of seminars and activities around the theme of "Cities Meeting through Literature". The aim of the forum is to establish a platform for international exchange through which a mutual understanding and integration of Chinese and foreign literature can be fostered.
The "Literary Diversity and Sustainable Urban Development" International Summit Forum was held on May 15, 2017 at Nanjing University’s School of Literature. Planned and executed by Nanjing Literature Centre, this forum invited eight experts representing five "UNESCO Cities of Literature"—Kraków (Poland), Iowa City (USA), Heidelberg (Germany), Melbourne (Australia) and Edinburgh (Scotland). During the forum, Nanjing officially announced its application for the UNESCO City of Literature status within the Creative Cities Network.